Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the founder of Pakistan and a great leader. He inspired millions of people on sub-continent with his vision, courage and wisdom. He gave many memorable quotes that are still relevant and useful today. In this Article, we will share some of quaid e azam quotes in English and Urdu.
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Quaid e Azam Quotes
Quaid e Azam Quotes are the words of wisdom and inspiration from the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He was a visionary leader who fought for the rights and freedom of the Muslims of the subcontinent. His quotes reflect his principles, values and vision for a new nation. In this article, we will share some of his famous quotes in English and Urdu, and explain their meanings and relevance for today’s world.

I do not believe in taking the right decision
I take a decision and make it right.

میں صحیح فیصلہ لینے پر یقین نہیں رکھتا ، میں فیصلہ لیتا ہوں اور اسے درست بناتا ہوں۔
This quote shows Quaid e Azam’s confidence and determination. He did not hesitate to make difficult decisions, and he worked hard to achieve his goals. He did not let doubts or fears stop him from pursuing his vision of Pakistan.

Think a hundred times before you take a decision, but once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man.

فیصلہ لینے سے پہلے سو بار سوچیں ، لیکن جب فیصلہ لیا جائے تو اس کے ساتھ ایک آدمی کی طرح کھڑے رہیں۔
This quote shows Quaid e Azam’s wisdom and prudence. He advised people to think carefully before making any decision, and to consider all the consequences and alternatives. But he also urged people to be firm and united once they made a decision, and to not waver or change their minds.

“You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed – that has nothing to do with the business of the State.

آپ آزاد ہیں ؛ آپ اپنے مندروں میں جانے کے لئے آزاد ہیں ، آپ اس ریاست پاکستان میں اپنی مسجدوں یا کسی بھی دوسری عبادت گاہ میں جانے کے لئے آزاد ہیں. آپ کسی بھی مذہب یا ذات یا عقیدے سے تعلق رکھتے ہوں – اس کا ریاست کے کاروبار سے کوئی تعلق نہیں ہے
This quote shows Quaid e Azam’s vision of a tolerant and inclusive Pakistan. He wanted Pakistan to be a country where people of different faiths and backgrounds could live together in peace and harmony. He respected the diversity and freedom of the people, and he wanted the state to be secular and impartial.

“No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you. We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live.”

(کوئی قوم تب تک شان و شوکت کی بلندی تک نہیں پہنچ سکتی جب تک آپ کی خواتین آپ کے ساتھ ساتھ نہ ہوں. ہم برائی رسوم کے شکار ہیں. انسانیت کا جرم ہے کہ ہماری خواتین کو گھروں کی چار دیواری میں قیدی کی طرح بند کر دیا گیا ہے. جس مایوس کن حالات میں ہماری خواتین کو رہنا پڑتا ہے اس کا کہیں بھی کوئی حجت نہیں ہے
This quote shows Quaid e Azam’s support for women’s rights and empowerment. Ali recognized the importance and potential of women in the nation-building process. Quaid e azam condemned the oppressive and unjust practices that kept women confined and deprived of education and opportunities. He wanted women to be equal partners and contributors in the society.

“With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.”

ایمان ، نظم و ضبط اور فرض شناسی کے ساتھ ، آپ کوئی بھی قابل قدر چیز حاصل نہیں کر سکتے ہیں
This quote shows Quaid e Azam’s formula for success and excellence. He believed that faith in God, discipline in life and selfless devotion to duty were the key ingredients for achieving any goal. He encouraged people to work hard, be honest and loyal, and serve the nation with passion and dedication.

“There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan.”

زمین پر کوئی قوت نہیں جو پاکستان کو مٹا سکے
This quote shows Quaid e Azam’s confidence and pride in Pakistan. He declared that Pakistan was a strong and resilient nation that could not be destroyed by any enemy or challenge. He expressed his faith and loyalty to Pakistan, and urged the people to do the same.

The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.

ہر ریاست کا بنیاد اس کے نوجوانوں کی تعلیم ہے
This quote shows Quaid e Azam’s emphasis on education and youth development. Muhammad ali jinnah believed that education was the key to progress and prosperity of any nation. He wanted the youth of Pakistan to be well-educated, well-informed and well-skilled. He invested in the education sector, and established many schools, colleges and universities in Pakistan.

The story of Pakistan, its struggle and its achievement, is the very story of great human ideals, struggling to survive in the face of great odds and difficulties.

پاکستان کی کہانی ، اس کا جدوجہد اور اس کا حصول ، انسانی عظمت کے اعلٰی مقاصد کی وہی کہانی ہے ، جو بڑی مشکلات اور مصائب کے باوجود زندہ رہنے کا جدوجہد کرتی ہے.
This quote shows Quaid e Azam’s appreciation and admiration for Pakistan. He narrated the history of Pakistan, its struggle for independence and its achievement of statehood, as a remarkable story of human ideals. He praised the people of Pakistan for their courage, sacrifice and perseverance in the face of great odds and difficulties.
Quaid e Azam Quotes are the words of wisdom and inspiration from the founder of Pakistan. He was a visionary leader who fought for the rights and freedom of the Muslims of the subcontinent. His quotes reflect his principles, values and vision for a new nation. In this article, we have shared some of his famous quotes in English and Urdu and we also explained their meanings and relevance for today’s world. You can use these quotes in essay writing and for many purposes. We hope that these quotes will inspire you to follow his example and work for the progress and prosperity of Pakistan.
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